Our team

MDDr. Tereza Fulínová, MBA
Chief stomatologist
Graduation: 2010 – Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Hradec Králové, Stomatology
Professional experience: Mediestetik, Erpet Medical Center, Krejcárek Dental Center
Selected completed training:
Endodontics and preparation, MDDr. P. Pauliška, MD P. Kořínek
Soft tissue management, Dr. M. Zeltner, Dr. S. Huber, MD and MUDr. R. Foltan, PhD.
Practical Gnathology, MUDr. R. Mounajjed, D.D.S., PhD.
Adhesive propaedeutics, MUDr. L. Gregor
Periodontal plastic surgery, MUDr. J. Streblov
Dental Implantology Basic I, MUDr. et MDDr. Jiří Blahák, Ph.D.
Implant prosthetics I., II., MUDr. et MDDr. Jiří Blahák, Ph.D.
Basics of Dental Implantology, MDDr. Vladislav Barna
Greater New York Dental Meeting
Tooth Vitality, MDDr. Radovan Žižka, Ph.D.
Stars of Implantology
Field of expertise: aesthetic and restorative dentistry, prosthetics
Languages: English actively, French actively, German passively

MDDr. Barbora Svobodová
- Graduation: 2015 – 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Stomatology
- Professional experience and internships: Dental Partners, Dentica Beauty, KÚČOCH, IKEM
- Selected completed training:
- A new concept of processing, rinsing and filling root canals or from hot to cold,MUDr.A. El-Lababidi, Ph.D.
- Dental Summit 2019
- Roots Summit 2022
- Gnathology, MUDr. R. Mounajjed ,, D.D.S., Ph.D.
- Safe and easy root canal treatment, MDDr. P. Pauliška
- Dental Implantology Basic I, MUDr. et MDDr. Jiří Blahák, Ph.D.
- Implant prosthetics I., II., MUDr. et MDDr. Jiří Blahák, Ph.D.
- Basics of Dental Implantology, MDDr. Vladislav Barna
- Stars of Implantology
Specialization: aesthetic and restorative dentistry, endodontics, prosthetics
Languages: English actively, German passively

Marta Kalisz DiS. (before Staňková)
- Graduation: 2015 – VOŠZ Merhautova Brno, Dental hygienist
- Member of the Czech Periodontological Society and the Association of Dental Hygienists of the Czech Republic
- Professional experience and internships: Periodontology MUDr. Viktor Zavřel, CSC., Periodontology MUDr. Sylva Fikáčková, Tichý zubař s.r.o., Pštrossova medical, RožaDent, American dentist in Prague
- Completed training:
- MINST Minimally invasive non-surgical therapy: Non-surgical regeneration of infrabony defects – King´s College London prof. Dr. Luigi Nibali (IT) and Dr. Varkha Rattu (UK)
- Europerio 10 world’s leading congress in Periodontology (DK)
- MasterClass on Periodontal Disease – Deepak Simkhada (UK)
- Management of treatment of a high-risk patient with a focal infection in a dental office – MUDr. Kovalova (SK)
- Dental hygiene as a precise treatment – Andel Dental Academy (SK)
- Periodontology in a nutshell – MUDr. J. Streblov
- Diabetic and dental care
Specialization: periodontological patients
Languages: English actively